
在亚利桑那妇科咨询公司, 我们提供各种十大正规靠谱网赌平台,旨在解决妇女生殖健康的所有领域. 定期拜访妇科医生有助于维护您的健康,并积极主动地关注女性特有的各种医疗问题. 我们致力于提供医疗保健,让您在生命的各个阶段都保持健康和舒适.


Surgery can address issues that impact your comfort, 健康, 和生活质量, 微创手术可以确保手术过程和结果都得到改善. 微创手术对身体造成的创伤较小,因为它对组织的干扰较少,随后可以减少疤痕, 减少失血, 缩短恢复时间, 减轻疼痛.

In our continued commitment to ensuring the best care possible, 我们已经提供了详细的信息,关于你在手术前后可以期待什么.





手术前两周, 你通常可以像往常一样继续, 维持正常饮食, 日常生活, 和药物. 然而, 在某些情况下, you may be advised to stop certain medications, whether prescription medications or herbal supplements.

例如, 在预约手术前两周停止服用消炎药是很重要的. 当你安排手术时,和你的妇科医生讨论你的完整病史是至关重要的,并询问某些药物是否安全. This can greatly reduce any potential risks you may experience.


Most pre-surgery preparation takes place the night before your surgery. Start by taking a bath or shower the night before. Not only can this help ensure you feel more comfortable, as you may be instructed to refrain from bathing in a tub after surgery, but it helps to ensure you are as clean as possible before your surgery. Depending on the surgical procedure scheduled, you may be instructed to use a specific cleaning agent in the surgical area. 在手术前的早晨再洗一次澡或淋浴,并根据指示再次清洁手术区域.

Medications used in surgery can increase nausea. This is why it is important to stop eating by midnight the night prior to your surgery.


您可以在预定手术时间前三小时继续饮用透明液体, 包括水, 无糖汽水, and coffee or tea with no add-ins such as cream or sugar. 然而, refrain from eating or drinking other liquids. 这有助于将手术过程中可能引起并发症的恶心风险降到最低.

We do ask that you drink Ensure Pre-Surgery. 这种饮料为你的身体提供碳水化合物,帮助抵消禁食造成的身体压力. It is important to select the right Ensure, as substitutions aren’t acceptable. If you can’t find this specific beverage, any 24 oz. Gatorade that doesn’t include red food coloring is an acceptable alternative. 这提供了足够的促进,帮助你通过禁食,而不会引起任何潜在的手术问题.


When you reach three hours prior to surgery, stop consuming clear liquids. 你也可以在到达手术室之前服用处方药物-这些通常是为了帮助减轻与手术相关的疼痛.

在你的手术当天,你会被要求在你的手术时间前两小时到达. 当你到达时,你会被引导到术前区去见你的手术团队. 你的团队会在手术开始前指导你做任何必要的准备工作.

手术之后, you’ll be brought to a post-anesthesia care unit to recover in a monitored environment. 重要的是有一个值得信赖的成年人带你去你的手术预约,并安全地开车送你回家. 由于手术本身的性质, as well as the effects of pre-surgery and anesthesia medications, 你自己开车不安全. 如果你一个人住, 你还应该找一个能陪你度过术后第一个晚上的人.


Watch our instructional video to learn more about preparing for your upcoming surgery.

Post-Surgery Instructions for AZGYN Patients

我们的术后指导旨在帮助减少疼痛问题,并确保您的身体可以安全愈合. The most important aspects of aftercare involve pain management, 切口护理, 饮食, 活动, 物理上的限制. These elements all impact the level of comfort you can expect during healing, 愈合过程的长度, 以及你可能面临的潜在风险.

When properly managed, post-surgical care can ensure you heal quickly and effectively. 请记住,手术后的头几天需要额外的支持是很常见的, so you may want to ask a friend or family member to stay with you for a few days.


安全的疼痛管理对我们来说很重要. We suggest a combination of Tylenol and Motrin or ibuprofen. 我们建议根据需要在手术后的一周内每天交替使用这些药物. 在大多数情况下, 医生还会给你开一种强度更高的短期麻醉性止痛药来缓解其他药物无法控制的疼痛.

遵循一个仔细的时间表可以帮助确保你的痛苦保持在最低限度,并注意你的医疗团队提供的指示, 还有瓶子上的说明, will allow you to keep your pain well-controlled.


保持切口清洁对于伤口的正常愈合和预防感染至关重要. You should leave any bandages in place for 48 hours unless otherwise instructed, 但在很多情况下, 你可以戴着绷带洗澡. When it is time to take the bandages off, do so carefully.

在清洗你的切口时, rinsing is all you need to do – do not scrub or directly apply soap to the area. Simply letting warm, soapy water run over the incision is enough to keep it clean. After cleaning, avoid excess moisture at the incision site. Make sure the area is kept dry following your shower as well as throughout the day. Pat the area with a clean, dry towel or washcloth to minimize irritation and keep it dry. If you notice any swelling, redness, pain, or drainage, contact our office.


When it comes to your 饮食, there are rarely any restrictions you need to observe. In general, we always suggest a well-balanced 饮食 to support lasting 健康. While we often don’t require any 饮食 changes, we do suggest avoiding carbonated beverages and foods that can cause intestinal gas. Gas can cause increased discomfort and make it difficult to pass stool. It’s also important to know that post-surgical pain medications often cause constipation, and it’s not uncommon for patients to experience a delay in bowel movements. Stool softeners can be beneficial for the first week or so following surgery.


即使是微创手术,在手术后的身体活动也会受到限制. For all surgeries, avoid lifting more than ten pounds for six weeks. You should also avoid overly strenuous 活动 to prevent hernias. 然而, physical 活动 and movement are still important for a healing body, so you should stay active via frequent walking and other non-strenuous activities.


Please schedule follow-up appointments with our office. 大多数患者被要求安排两次预约,以检查愈合的进展情况, 检查医疗变化, 并解决任何问题或疑虑. 您可以依靠AZGYN的专业人员在整个恢复过程中为您十大正规靠谱网赌平台. 我们可以回答有关您的疼痛管理、十大正规靠谱网投平台、活动和限制的任何问题.


Watch our instructional video to learn more about your post-operative care.


AZGYN提供旨在恢复健康和减轻疼痛的微创外科手术. 我们采用最新的技术和久经考验的方法为以下方面提供十大正规靠谱网赌平台:


Different surgical procedures come with their own unique expectations of care, 包括术前和术后指令. While our general guidelines are beneficial for all surgeries, there may be slight alterations depending on the procedure.


阴道手术和宫腔镜在术后护理方面需要一些额外的考虑. 在大多数情况下, 淋浴也可以, 但是你应该推迟在浴缸里浸泡或游泳长达六周,以防止任何东西进入你的阴道.

卫生棉条的使用, 冲洗, 参与性交也应该推迟到你可以恢复这些活动的时候. 如果你经历大量出血或严重恶心,打电话给你的医疗十大正规靠谱网赌平台提供者是很重要的. 你也可能会遇到便秘,可以通过药物和大便软化剂来缓解.


子宫切除, 剖腹产, 其他腹部手术也会导致恢复正常活动的严重延迟. 注意保持运动和活跃, but it is important to avoid anything strenuous – in general, be careful not to push your body beyond what it can tolerate. 你也会被要求推迟性交或使用冲洗或卫生棉条,直到你的医生允许你. 你可以像往常一样洗澡和淋浴,只是要特别注意保持切口干燥.



在亚利桑那妇科咨询公司, 我们致力于妇女健康, 安全, 和安慰, and we understand how stressful the thought of a prospective surgery can be. With attention to pre- and post-operative care, 你可以帮助我们确保手术顺利进行,你可以安全有效地康复.

随着你手术日期的临近, 你会收到详细的, clear instructions specifically tailored to 亚利桑那州妇科十大正规靠谱网赌平台 你的医疗需求.